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Custom Arrangements

We are happy to arrange a custom bouquet for you for any occasion. Please leave details here with any specific colours or blooms that you have in mind as well as time and location of delivery required.


Delivery available to Evansburg, Onoway, Devon, Wabamun, Stony Plain, Spruce Grove, Edmonton, Fort Saskatchewan, Leduc or Sherwood Park. 

Tell us what kind of arrangement you'd like!

What size of arrangement? 

What date would you like your arrangement (or if you don't have a date, estimated time frame?)

Location for delivery? 

Do you have any specific colours or blooms you are requesting? 

Thank you! I look forward to connecting!

Surprise Me!


If you would like a one of a kind custom bouquet suited to your budget, please use this button to find a number that suits your budget! Minimum price is $40 and add increments of $5)

For example: if your Budget is $60, please enter a quantity of 12 (12 x $5 = $60) 

I will create a beautiful bouquet for your budget! 

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